Catalina Morales-Yáñez

Geophysicist, Ph.D.

Postdoc FONDECYT fellow at UCS Concepción

I'm a Doctor who specializes in seismology. Throughout my career, I have gained and developed expertise in various areas of basic sciences regarding geophysics.

My main area of interest is oriented towards the field of seismology and seismic simulation. I had experience in fieldwork, teaching for a different kind of public, and working with multidisciplinary teams.

Perfil de Investigadora ANID

Research interests

  1. Bayesian Transdimensional inversions
  2. B-value characterization
  3. SSE/GNSS analysis
  4. Centroid Moment Tensor and Seismic Source retrievals

Scientific Service

  1. SZ4D Committee Member: Building Equity and Capacity with Geoscience
  2. Reviewer for Geophysical Journal International (GJI) and Volcanica
  3. Conference and Seminar organization:
    1. AndesNet Scientific Discussion Meetings
    2. Precursor Conversation Talks
    3. Geocharlas T3 Talks Project
  4. Current Professional Memberships:
    1. RedI Chile Red de Investigadoras
    2. GeoLatinas Latinas en Ciencias de la Tierra y Planetarias
    3. AndesNet Red de geocientistas especializados en la zona de subducción chilena
    4. Red de Mujeres de América Latina y el Caribe para la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres
  5. External Specialization:
    1. 2022 Course Certification in Disaster Risk Reduction and Sustainable Local Development
    2. 2020 ROSES Remote Online Sessions for Emerging Seismologists
    3. 2018 SERIOR Workshop SEcurity-RIsk-ORientation: Risk without borders between Germany, France and Switzerland
    4. 2013 Diploma International Diploma of specialization. Henry Dunant Foundation. Human Rights, global risk management and public policies for the disaster and prevention in Latin America and the Caribbean.